Saturday, August 9, 2008

You think he is the one...

...but the kid is not his son! I'm really hoping you get the musical reference here because I will be thoroughly disappointed (oooh *shudder*) if you don't recognize this greatness[1]:

Please tell me why I should care about an ex-politician's sexploits? Furthermore, please tell me why everyone is surprised he cheated on his wife with that Camilla look-alike (seriously, she looks like Camilla in her raving days...if those even existed back then). Former Senator Edwards was too good to be true with his perfect smile and hair and pretty good looking face. K saw right through that, right through his "let's do it for Darfur" message. Okay that last part was mostly because I am naturally suspicious of politicians who use Africa as part of their campaign strategy. I must hand it to the dude, he managed to out douche himself with the "sure I cheated on my terminally ill wife...but the kid is not my son." Kudos for not sperminating the woman I guess (you know that kid is his!).
Con-damns 1- 0 Sperm

Flashback to 1998 when a similar story actually mattered because the man was EFFIN PRESIDENT!!! Our scandal standards have been seriously lowered since the glory days. What does Edwards do again?

This is just another on a long list of things that I could care less about but CNN just doesn't get the message. Why must they torture me this way?

[1] So it is from the 80's... I would love to say that the 80's were amazing but I'm a 90's baby dammit! Give me a break! I can't limit myself to white Michael. HE MADE THRILLER!!!

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