Wednesday, October 15, 2008

America, F*** Yeah!

"If a Muslim woman strapped with a bomb on a bus with the seconds running gives you the jitters, just imagine an American-based Christian organization planning to poison water supplies to bring the Second Coming quicker."
- Lupe Fiasco

Ebay is crack

Every bid is like shooting up and getting that crazy high that leaves you paralyzed with euphoria. I don't really know what it's like to win mostly because I do it just to see how high the max bid has gone [1]. I have a feeling that if I did win, I would
  1. Punch my fist in the air in a decleration of my victory
  2. Beat my chest in a way slightly reminiscent of Tarzan
  3. Begin running circles around the room
  4. Shudder at the fact that I am a sad human being and spent all that time watching an item
  5. Start panicking because I just spent a crapload of money
  6. Shrug my shoulders because it is not my money
  7. Change my facebook status to reflect my current state of emotions that order.
That being said, I have just made my first serious bid and will basically
  1. Cry and wallow in my misery
  2. Die in a corner
...if I don't win the item. This will be even worse than the time [insert really bad memory here][2].


[1] ...and because I was flat broke at the time.
[2] I don't really have that many bad memories because I have lived a wonderful life.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I had the honor to be in the presence of the great Quincy Jones last week and the impossible happened- as soon as he stepped on stage, I bolted out of my seat and began clapping furiously as if demanding an encore of his entrance. Then my eyes began to fog up and I had the urge to hug the person next to me and cry like a baby. I have no idea what brought about this sudden rush of emotions... It must be the Q.

What should have been...

I was flipping through my journal and found the most ridiculous example of "what should have been" in there. Just so you can have a lovely taste of exactly how happy I was only to have my heart publicly ripped out, stomped on, and kicked to the curb.Three years of excitement right there...
Sept. 29, 2008 (Right after the Electric Touch/ Airborn Toxic Event/ Fratellis concert, contemplating the greatness that will be The Kooks)
"More concert goodness on Thursday! The Kooks shall invade the HoB with all their Brighton madness. It is like legalized looting where they steal my heart and take it with them. Oh yes, I made that comparison. I wonder if they will play any of their B-side songs.... I know one thing for sure, the only question that will be asked this Thursday is 'Do you wanna?'"
... If you don't think that was on the brink of madness, at one point I say "I feel like Jesus feeding all those people with five loaves of bread and two fish" in reference to me introducing some people to the Kooks' existance.
Imagine my disappointment when they just exited stage left and the curtains closed with 45 mins left to play. Imagine waiting three years for no encore, no goodbye, no "THANK YOU DALLAS!!!"


But before that point I was jamming for real as evidenced by this video. I forgot I was holding my phone that's why it's so shaky. Check out 3:30 how Luke was freaking pointing at me! I almost shat my pants... ok not really but I was pretty damn excited.

On the other hand... the ET/Airborn/Fratellis concert was BRILLIANT! The end...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Atletico handed a red

Atletico Madrid have been hit with a stadium ban for their next two home Champions League games because of racism [1]. This is a good thing right? UEFA have been pretty linient with their fines (see entire history of anti-racism campaign). Racism is the birthmark on the backside of football and these sanctions match the severity of the issue. So why am I not jumping up and down with joy that they have been "OWNED" by UEFA?
First of all, the Atletico v. Marseilles game was a month ago. Does it take that long to determine what is racist behavior? Or is it the severity of the punishment that was a month in the making? I'm pretty sure it only takes about a minute to think of a stadium ban.
Secondly, Atletico will be playing "at a venue at least 300 kilometers [2] from Madrid." many fans have already booked accomodations in Madrid. Will they compensate the fans for this? I mean this is just ridiculous!
Finally, as much as I love this "no racism" talk, must they ruin Fernando Torres' return to Atletico? To say that his return was much-anticipated would be the understatement of the year and now it is gone to shit.

"His armband proved he was a red..."

[1] Those Spanish fans really need to get a hold of themselves. You can't get rid of the negros by exhibiting such behavior... it comes back to bite you in the arse. Tell me why I love Spain so much? Oh right their national team. *sigh*
[2] For my Amurricans, this is a little over 186 miles (10 miles less than Dallas-Austin). Conclusion: Pretty damn far for a game you could walk to.