Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If you're not first, you're last

Ara Abrahamian decides the bronze isn't good enough for him and throws[1] it to the ground at the awards ceremony in protest of the way his match was scored. A little stupid if you ask me. He vows to quit the sport because he considers not winning a gold "a failure." Well... I know at least one person who will be satisfied with a bronze medal[2].
Anyway, I don't think the sporting world will be missing someone special if Ara quits. Who in their right mind disrespects the Olympic institution by throwing away a medal. Way to go, you ruined the rest of the ceremony for the other athletes.
To his defense, there was definitely something wrong with the scoring. These kinds of incidences have been very common during these Olympics. Perhaps this was his way of bringing to light the possibility of corruption at these games. However, there is a whole other way to go about things (see: Yang Tae-young vs. Paul Hamm).

He would have made Ricky Bobby proud.

[1] Actually, he gingerly placed it on the mat.
[2] Contact kfarah@smu.edu for more information.

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