Friday, July 25, 2008

Lyrical sign of the apocalypse

The content of mainstream music has gone down so much that I find myself just turning off the radio mid-commute and listen to the sound of the road instead. I admit that sometimes the beat overrides the lyrics so much that I just jam to whatever comes on. This is until I start listening to the words instead of the infectious rhythm and realize that the people Michael and the USA for Africa crew were singing about (See We are the World aka the song I used to tear up to because I thought the world really cared about Africa) are responsible for the fall of society.

Lyrical sign of the apocalypse:
Hotstylz: Lookin Ass Nigga
I'm not so sure whether to view it as a pretty good diss song but I'll go with my first impression of it and say WTF. This sneaky punk almost had me thinking it was ok with some of the references-more specifically the Harry Potter ( "alohamora ole Harry Potter lookin ass nigga"). But the extreme coonery of the song trumped that and left me shaking my head in disbelieve that I wasted 3+ minutes of my life listening to it and contributing to such negro nonsense.

All was well though when I got home and detoxed with some Lupe.

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