Sunday, August 10, 2008

Random African craziness

I'm not so sure whether to be proud of my people for this or hang my head in shame at the measures they will take to cheat immigration systems in Africa. I would like to point out that immigration doesn't actually exist on that continent. Many countries would like to think they have very tight border security when in actuality, the border consists of a gate with a sign on the side saying "Welcome to (insert name here)." This gate is surrounded by miles of unguarded land, making it useless unless you are in a vehicle.

This all sounds well and good but what if you have been denied a visa to a country? A normal human being would just avoid said country and go somewhere else instead yes?
Not my people! Not hard-headed Africans who think every government is out to get them. You see, they have been conditioned after years of corruption to believe that this is only a way for the government to get more money from them. As long as they have a visa to a country bordering their ideal destination, all they need is a reliable cyclist, a few (insert currency) to pay the cyclist, and a little luck to cross the border. Once on the other side, they can board a bus and head on home. I know what you are thinking: there should be some security on a border... perhaps one in the form of a uniformed person with a nice shiny badge on their chest. Sure there are cops there... but African cops are lazy. They would rather bother the travelers within their reach instead of chasing down someone on a bike. Everyone is happy!
...well everyone except the government that now houses an illegal immigrant.
I have heard many success stories touting this form of travel as highly inexpensive and efficient. Sadly, I have not had the opportunity to try it out myself because I am an African who plays by the rules and have not been denied a visa as of yet.

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